1. SELECT * from Sources;Get every attribute from each tuple of the Sources table. In other words, print all fields of every line in the Sources table. |
2. What are some example GenBank IDs (accessions) and corresponding sequence descriptions? SELECT * FROM Descriptions LIMIT 5; |
3. SELECT count(*) FROM LocusLinks;How many rows are in table LocusLinks? 70153 |
4. How many different Affy IDs are in the expression data? SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT affyId) FROM Data;How is this different from "SELECT COUNT(affyId) FROM Data"? |
5. SELECT description, species FROM LocusDescr WHERE linkId = 655;What is the description and species of the LocusLink gene with ID = 655? |
6. What's the expression level of Affy ID 33659_at in experiment hs-liv-1? SELECT level FROM Data WHERE affyId="33659_at" AND exptId="hs-liv-1"; |
7. SELECT * FROM LocusDescr WHERE description LIKE "phosphatase%";What LocusLink descriptions start with the word "phosphatase"? Extra credit: Is this any different from |
8. What are all the gene descriptions, along with their GenBank IDs, containing the phrase "growth factor"? SELECT * FROM Descriptions WHERE description LIKE "%growth factor%"; |
9. SELECT * from Data WHERE exptId = "mm-hrt-1" and level > 6000 ORDER BY level DESC;Select all rows from Data for the "mm-hrt-1" hydridization (mouse heart) with an expression level above 6000, and order the results by decreasing expression level. |
10. What Gene Ontology terms (and corresponding accessions) contain the phrase "transcription factor"? Put your answer in alphabetical order of terms. SELECT * FROM GO_Descr WHERE description LIKE "%transcription factor%" ORDER BY description; |
11. SELECT Data.affyId, Targets.gbId, Data.level FROM Data, Targets WHERE Data.affyId = Targets.affyId ORDER BY Data.level DESC LIMIT 10;Join fields from the Data and Targets tables (linking rows with the same Affy IDs), and order these by decreasing expression level. |
12. What Affy probes correspond to target sequences with the phrase "interleukin" in their description? SELECT affyId FROM Targets, Descriptions WHERE Targets.gbId=Descriptions.gbId AND Descriptions.description LIKE "%interleukin%"; |
13. SELECT Data.affyId, Targets.gbId, UniSeqs.uId, Data.level FROM Data, Targets, UniSeqs WHERE Data.affyId = Targets.affyId AND Targets.gbId = UniSeqs.gbId ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 10;Join fields from the Data, Targets, and UniSeqs tables, and order these by decreasing expression level. |
14. Make a table of ten affyId, UnigeneID, and Unigene descriptions in reverse alphabetical order of Unigene descriptions. SELECT Targets.affyid, UniDescr.uID, UniDescr.description FROM UniDescr, UniSeqs, Targets WHERE Targets.gbId=UniSeqs.gbId AND UniSeqs.uId=UniDescr.uID ORDER BY UniDescr.description DESC LIMIT 10; |
15. SELECT affyId, AVG(level) AS average FROM Data GROUP BY affyId ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 10;Get the average expression level of each array probe (affyId) across all tissues (experiments). |
16. What is the average expression level of each of the six experiments? SELECT exptId, AVG(level) AS average From Data GROUP BY exptId; |
17. SELECT Data.affyId, Data.level, Data.exptId, DataCopy.affyId, DataCopy.level, DataCopy.exptId FROM Data, Data DataCopy WHERE Data.level > 10 * DataCopy.level AND Data.affyId=DataCopy.affyId AND Data.affyId NOT LIKE "AFFX%" LIMIT 10;Find the microarray probes for which one tissue/experiment has an expression level that's at least 10 times higher than another tissue/experiment, and print ten of these. |
18. List ten non-control human Affy IDs (IDs without "AFFX") with higher expression in liver than in heart. SELECT Data.affyId FROM Data.Data DataCopy WHERE Data.level> Datacopy.level AND Data.affId=DataCopy.affyId AND Data.exprId="hs-liv-1" AND DataCopy.exptId="hs-hrt-1" AND Data.affyId NOT LIKE "AFFX%" LIMIT 10; |
19. SELECT Data.affyId, Data.level AS Heart_level, DataCopy.level AS Brain_level, Data.level - DataCopy.level AS Difference FROM Data, Data DataCopy WHERE Data.affyId= DataCopy.affyId AND Data.exptId = "hs-hrt-1" AND DataCopy.exptId = "hs-cer-1" ORDER BY Difference DESC LIMIT 10;List all probe sets (printing only the first ten) in order of the difference between expression level in the heart and the brain. |
20. SELECT Data.affyId, Targets.gbId, LocusLinks. linkId, LocusDescr.description, Data.level as Heart_level, DataCopy.level as Brain_level, Data.level - DataCopy.level AS Difference FROM Data, Data DataCopy, LocusLinks, LocusDescr, Targets WHERE Data.affyId= DataCopy.affyId AND Data.exptId = "hs-hrt-1" AND DataCopy.exptId = "hs-cer-1" AND Data.affyId = Targets.affyId AND Targets.gbId = LocusLinks.gbId AND LocusLinks.linkId = LocusDescr.linkId ORDER BY Difference DESC LIMIT 10;List all probe sets (printing only the first ten) in order of the difference between expression level in the heart and the brain, including annotation about the probe sets. |