Using X windows on fladda

Connecting the first time with VNC | Connecting subsequent times with VNC | Connecting with eXodus | Applications | Help

To use X Windows on fladda, Mac users can choose between two systems, VNC (a free product) and eXodus. PC users can use the VNC system.

Connecting the first time with VNC:

  • Download a VNC viewer file for Windows, Macintosh, or another OS to anywhere on your desktop computer. If you're on a Mac, unpack the file with Stuffit.
  • Use the secure shell to connect to fladda as usual. If you've never done this before, download MacSSH (for Macs) from Enigma or download SSHWinClient from SSH (for Windows).
  • After logging in to fladda, issue the following command: vncserver
  • Since this is the first time for running this command, you will be asked to select a password (that can be changed later with this command: vncpasswd). This password need not be (but can be) the same as your fladda login password.
  • A second time, issue the following command: vncserver
  • Read the message you get back; it should be something like
    	New 'X' desktop is fladda:18
    	Creating default startup script /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/xstartup
    	Starting applications specified in /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/xstartup
    	Log file is /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/fladda:18.log
  • Go to wherever you put the viewer application on your desktop and click to run it.
  • When the window pops up, type in
    where "n" is number you received after running 'vncserver' (18 in the example above)

  • After entering the appropriate number, i.e.,

    click "OK" and enter the password you just chose.
  • The X windows screen should pop up on your desktop ==> you're ready to go.
  • See below for some applications that take advantage of the graphical interface
  • Closing your desktop window doesn't terminate the session. Just reconnect by clicking on the viewer on your desktop and entering the session details.
  • To permanently end this session, enter the command vncserver -kill :n (where "n" is the number of the session [18 in the above example])

Connecting subsequent times with VNC:

  • Use the secure shell to connect to fladda as usual.
  • After logging in to fladda, issue the following command: vncserver
  • Read the message you get back; it should be something like
    	New 'X' desktop is fladda:18
    	Creating default startup script /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/xstartup
    	Starting applications specified in /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/xstartup
    	Log file is /usr/people/your_user_name/.vnc/fladda:18.log
  • Go to wherever you put the viewer application on your desktop and click to run it.
  • When the window pops up, type in
    where "n" is number you received after running 'vncserver' (18 in the example above)

  • After entering the appropriate number, i.e.,

    click "OK" and enter your x windows password.
  • The X windows screen should pop up on your desktop ==> you're ready to go.
  • See below for some applications that take advantage of the graphical interface
  • Closing your desktop window doesn't terminate the session. Just reconnect by clicking on the viewer on your desktop and entering the session details.
  • To permanently end the session, enter the command vncserver -kill :n (where "n" is the number of the session [18 in the above example])

Connecting on a Mac with eXodus:

  • Download the MacSSH_PPC folder from the Applications volume of Enigma.
  • Run eXodus (double-click on the icon) but do NOT use it to open a session.
  • Run the ssh application (in the folder you downloaded from Enigma) and use it to login to fladda using your username and password.
  • In the ssh window, find out the hostname of the machine you are connecting to fladda from by running the command 'who' and locating your username and current session in the list.
  • In the ssh window, type the command:
    setenv DISPLAY
    replacing 'hostname' with the hostname you found from the 'who' command

  • To move files between the Macintosh and fladda - from the Macintosh select AppleShare and the Ethernet zone. Then choose fladda from the Select a file server box. Type in your fladda login name and password and click okay. Your fladda volume is now mounted.

Some applications:

To get a menu with many of these applications, place the file
twmrc into your home directory and rename it to .twmrc   The next time you start X windows, it'll take effect.

xtermclassic command window
dttermfancy command window
xemacsxemacs (good text editor)
xemacs -bg black -fg whiteopen xemacs with custom colors
gcgGCG (Wisconsin package)
seqlabSeqlab (GCG GUI)
sasSAS statistics package
matlabMatlab package (help)
netscapeweb browser
setenv DISPLAY unix:foo.0set display if needed
who -mget name of display
xclipboardClipboard (to help with copying and pasting)
clockan analog clock
xclock -da digital clock
xloadsee how hard fladda is working
xmanunix (man) help pages
xv imageFile +rootdisplay image (with xv)
xv -vsmxv file manager
echo $DISPLAYGet your display for this session
